418 I’m a teapot

A nerd is me!

Earlier this week, a friend linked me to the “HTTP status codes as cats” images.  From the SRS CAT (200 OK) to LONGCAT (414 Request-URI too long) to the kitten inside the computer case (500 Internal Server Error), they are just hilarious.  

I promise, even if you aren’t the kind of nerd who finds web server chatter amusing, you may find the mixture of cat photos and captions to be amusing (or, in some cases, kind of feeling really sorry for a cat on the internet).

I was especially tickled to see that it includes my most favorite of all time HTTP status code: 418 I’m a teapot.

Seriously, it’s a real status code!

Well, ok, it’s a joke status code, from an April 1st joke about the Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol.  It’s a possible error code, if the thing you’re asking to make you coffee is, in fact, a teapot, and thus cannot possibly make you coffee:

2.3.2 418 I'm a teapot

   Any attempt to brew coffee with a teapot should result in the
   error code "418 I'm a teapot". The resulting entity body MAY 
   be short and stout.

This reminded me, once again, that I find this HTTP status hilarious and that I’ve always wanted to make a bit of art for it.  So, I did:

I'm a teapot


Part of me wants to put it up for sale allllll over the place, but I suspect this may well be simply too obscure for anyone to actually buy it (besides me).

If you disagree, leave a comment.

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