Tag Archives: humor theory

Step one: research!

In which I pretend to be a scientist Before the post a few weeks ago about research on sexist humor, it simply hadn’t occurred to me that there might be people out there in the world who got paid to … Continue reading

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Where beauty meets logic

Not just a bad teen dramedy. One of my favorite polymath tricks is to take the nerdy and reframe it in ways that make it  intuitive and appealing to the person who is not just “not a nerd” but thinks … Continue reading

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Researchers demonstrate the effects of humor

Researchers aren’t like the rest of us. For one, they go out and use SCIENCE to check out the things most of us just “know”.  They try not to assume too much about why or how things happen so that … Continue reading

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Stealing from the best

Today’s joke is modified from one I watched a 5-year-old performing a couple days ago.  It’s modified mostly so that I don’t have to record video. :) Why are tyrannosaurs rexes so unhappy? They can’t follow along with “If you’re … Continue reading

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A few thoughts about compassionate humor

The word ‘compassionate’ drifted through her mind in search of something to connect with. The last couple months I’ve had this phrase floating around in the back of my head – “Better living through compassionate humor”. Yes, it’s an obvious … Continue reading

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I’m not all wit and nerdery

I’m on vacation, yeah, that’s it … “vacation”. After writing my Big Post about nasty “jokes” three weeks ago, I’ve been kind of slacking on the really awesome Monday posts (including totally missing one *frown*).  There were ostensible reasons, but I’m … Continue reading

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