Tag Archives: politics

To Bigotry No Sanction

And so the wheel turns again I’ve mentioned before that my focus goes in cycles.  I seem to have cycled back to both trees and text-based designs at the same time, which gives me something completely different to do when … Continue reading

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World on Fire Mandala

Introductory context-setting text here I’ve been getting more art out the door (ok, on the RedBubble) and so impatient to share it that I’ve been posting about it directly on social media [1] instead of taking the time to write … Continue reading

Posted in I Made An Art | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Why I got a professional photography permit

Professional is as professional does As some may recall, I posted last week about going to the Albuquerque Botanical Garden and paying for a professional photography permit.  For reference, it was $25, just $5 more than the regular combination ticket … Continue reading

Posted in About the Me, Philosophy | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

I voted!

Ceci n’est pas un blog politique This is not a political blog, and this is not a political blog post, in the current sense of “opinion about one party or another”. I voted.  If you are a US citizen, I … Continue reading

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Ada Lovelace Day!

It’s Ada Lovelace Day! Ada Lovelace Day is a day for celebrating women in “STEM” – that is, in sciences, technology, engineering, and math.  There’s all the details you can stand at: http://www.findingada.com I’m struggling under a giant mass of … Continue reading

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Round Three Imminent

Where ideas come from I don’t read a whole lot of big public blogs, twits, streams, or whatever the latest social media thing is called.  There’s only so much time and only so many spoons, and I don’t want to … Continue reading

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