Tag Archives: vectors

Spookyween Tree

It’s Spookytober, everybody! As part of Spookyween preparations, I have finally finished the design I made around the whole concept of a Halloween/Christmas mashup. Originally, this was because of the programmer nerd joke about 31 Octal (aka 31 Oct, aka … Continue reading

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Interwoven Trees Redux

Wait, It’s Done? About five years ago, I sketched out a pair of trees whose branches crossed together, forming a heart between them.  Almost exactly two years ago, I posted it on this blog. Since then, it’s been one of … Continue reading

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The Quiet Heart Tree

A cunning plan so simple I would do it twice! Last post was about trying out a new Illustrator technique on a relatively simple design for learning.  This post is about trying it out again with another relatively simple design … Continue reading

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The Windblown Tree

As promised, a tree silhouette! For once, I didn’t throw a new technique at a complicated design!  For this new approach, I tried it out with something I posted here a long while ago – the windblown tree: The process … Continue reading

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Stupid Tricks With Illustrator

Baby got a new TOY About six months ago, RedBubble‘s weekly newsletter included a link to a tutorial about making repeating patterns in Illustrator.  It sounded interesting, so I kept it in my inbox to look at “someday”.   Last … Continue reading

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The two-trunked tree (part two)

If at first you have lousy technique … Many months ago, I posted about one of my first vectorizing projects in “A Tree Made Of Vectors“.  And then forgot about it. A few weeks ago, I dug it back up … Continue reading

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