Oil Painting Mudpie

Last Updated When?

I went to check out my About NCD page, since it’s been ages since I looked at it, and lo! I did direly need to update it.  The self-description is now cut down (yes, that’s cut down. :/), and my newer activities have been added.

One of those is a casual mention that I was taking an oil painting class this fall.  Did I ever mention that here? No?

I really wanted to take the drawing class (and anyone who has seen my non-digital, non-tree sketch work would agree that I really really need to), but it was on Wednesdays when I had something else going on.  So, oil painting class on Tuesdays it was.  It turned out to be, as I feared, about 80% older folks who have been taking this “class” for years with the result that it was essentially just studio time and basically no actual instruction.

Because I Could

After a couple awkward starts (one of which was a mandala I will eventually finish), one day I just plain forgot my working canvas and only had on hand a tiny 3″x3″ canvas.  Fine.  I’ll use that.  And I’ll look through my gallery of images on my phone until I find something I can use as a reference image.  Hey, this looks good!

tomato still life smallThis is a small bowl of cherry tomatoes I picked in our garden.  It’s under artificial light in the dining room.  Maybe not the best photo ever, but I had it on hand at a moment I needed it.

Here’s the final result (though I need to fix a smudge and sign it):

oil mudpie-smallThe background here is a shawl made for me by a friend.  Sorry – the flash washed everything out a bit.  Ah well.

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