Category Archives: Flash Fiction

What it says on the label.

Fingers of Stone, Pool of Clouds (alternate) (431)

I commented on my original version of this that it nearly was a horror story, and just might work better as one.  I’ve been sitting on the horror version since then. Today, I’m out of town and can’t scan the … Continue reading

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If This Were a Fairy Tale … (491)

If This Were A Fairy Tale Once upon a time, there was a girl who wasn’t anybody.  She had dark brown hair and pale skin and eyes like the ocean.  She dressed funny and didn’t play well with other kids.  … Continue reading

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Fingers of Stone, Pool of Clouds (463)

Summertime, and the air was still chilled.  Wispy clouds drifted across the sky.  She shifted the backpack, moving the strap off of the latest sore spot.  Almost there, she thought, and kept her eyes down on the path in front … Continue reading

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No Birthday For Julia (1160)

No Birthday For Julia Julia slipped in the back door, silent like a mouse so Momma wouldn’t hear her.  School was over for the year and she didn’t want to talk to Momma about it.  Tomorrow was her birthday and … Continue reading

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Keepers (412)

Keepers When I was a little kid, I kept them in jars.  All commons, bought with my allowance or pennies I snitched from Mom’s cup of change.  Don’t look at me like that – five year olds can’t tell the … Continue reading

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Water Flowing, Take Me Home (225)

Water Flowing, Take Me Home I can sense that it’s another sunny time out there, but hunger moves me.  I slide down into the water and out from my hidden space.  The water is still cool, ever moving, now in … Continue reading

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