Signs of Spring

This time for sure!

It definitely does seem to be coming around to springtime here.  It’s been warm enough to have the windows open several days in the last week or two, and the forsythia’s had a mad explosion of yellow blooms which are not pictured because the giant bumblebees have been all over it all the time.

This is a convenient time of year to have finally figured out how the manual focus on my camera works.  Yes, on the camera I’ve had for about 5 years now.  The autofocus is good enough that I’ve mostly gotten away with it for this long, but it only has so much it can do.

In any case, it’s a good time of year to be outside and practicing my focusing skills.  This has brought me right back to some of what fascinated me with macro photography in the first place – the ability to see details and textures through the magnified lens of the camera that my eyes just can’t.

Green grass with white violets, very close up

These lovelies were in my yard (until they got mowed down a day or two later).

Not posted anywhere but here, though there’s a somewhat larger version if you click on it.

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